
[JS] Scroll

7ingout 2022. 5. 16. 14:05

scrollTop 스크롤한 값

window.scrollTo({ top: 100px }) 스크롤 100px의 위치로 이동



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            for(let i=0; i<lis.length; i++){
                if(sct >= wh*i && sct < wh*(i+1)) {



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            <div><a href="#"><img src="./img/i.png" alt=""></a></div>
            <div><a href="#"><img src="./img/t.png" alt=""></a></div>
            <li>Full Blossom</li>
            <li>Be Colorful</li>
            <li>Time on Board</li>
            <li>Shiny Addict</li>
            <div id="content">
                <p>Loren ipsum dolor sit amet. cons ~~~</p>
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        function chContent(sct) {
            if (sct >= wh && sct < 2*wh) {
                h2s.innerHTML = 'Be Colorful';
            } else if ( sct >= 2*wh && sct<3*wh) {
                h2s.innerHTML = 'Time on Board';
            } else if( sct >= 3*wh &&  sct < 4*wh) {
                h2s.innerHTML = 'Shiny Addict';
            } else if ( sct>= 0 && sct<wh ) {
                h2s.innerHTML = 'Full Blossom';
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            divs.forEach((div,index)=> {
       = `translateZ(${index*-5000+sct}px)`




football_t / index.html

<!doctype html>
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	<h1><img src="img/logo.png" alt=""></h1>
	<div class="topmenu">
			<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Info</a></li>
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	<ul class="leftnav">
		<li><a href="#"><span></span><strong>Player 1</strong></a></li>
		<li><a href="#"><span></span><strong>Player 2</strong></a></li>
		<li><a href="#"><span></span><strong>Player 3</strong></a></li>
		<li><a href="#"><span></span><strong>Player 4</strong></a></li>
		<li><a href="#"><span></span><strong>Player 5</strong></a></li>

	<!-- 첫번째 컨텐츠 -->
			<img src="img/pic11.png" alt="" class="obj11">
			<img src="img/pic12.png" alt="" class="obj12">
			<img src="img/player1.png" alt="" class="obj13">
				<h3>Lorem Ipsum</h3>
				<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

	<!-- 두번째 컨텐츠 -->
			<img src="img/pic21.png" alt="" class="obj21">
			<img src="img/player2.png" alt="" class="obj22">
				<h3>Lorem Ipsum</h3>
				<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

	<!-- 세번째 컨텐츠 -->
			<img src="img/pic31.png" alt="" class="obj31">
			<img src="img/player3.png" alt="" class="obj32">
				<h3>Lorem Ipsum</h3>
				<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

	<!-- 네번째 컨텐츠 -->
			<img src="img/pic41.png" alt="" class="obj41">
			<img src="img/pic42.png" alt="" class="obj42">
			<img src="img/player4.png" alt="" class="obj43">
				<h3>Lorem Ipsum</h3>
				<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

	<!-- 다섯번째 컨텐츠 -->
			<img src="img/pic51.png" alt="" class="obj51">
			<img src="img/pic52.png" alt="" class="obj52">
			<img src="img/player5.png" alt="" class="obj53">
				<h3>Lorem Ipsum</h3>
				<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
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				// 기존에 연결된 이벤트를 제거; a 태그에는 이미 이벤트가 존재해서 지워줘야 함
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football_t / style.css

@import url("");
* { padding: 0; margin: 0;}
li { list-style: none; }
a { text-decoration: none; }
img { border: 0; vertical-align: top; }
body { width: 100%; height: 23000px; font-family:Orbitron;
font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 2px; }
/* 배경이미지 */
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	background-size: cover;

 /* 로고 */
 h1 { position: fixed; top: 40px; left: 70px;}
 h1 img { width: 130px; }
 /* 상단네비 */
 .topmenu {
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 .leftnav li.on span, .leftnav li:hover span {
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 /* 컨텐츠 영역 */
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 section article:nth-child(3){
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 section article:nth-child(4){
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 section article:nth-child(5){
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 /* 이미지 배치 */
 section article img {
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 section div {
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section div h3 {
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/* 첫번째 콘텐츠 */
section article:nth-child(1) div  {
	bottom: 100px; right: -100px;
section article:nth-child(1) h3 {
	color: #ff0f51;
.obj11 { bottom: -100px; left: -270px; }
.obj12 { top:-85px; right: -598px; }
.obj13 { bottom: 20px; left: -100px;}

/* 두번째 콘텐츠 */
section article:nth-child(2) div  {
	bottom: 200px; right: -100px;
section article:nth-child(2) h3 {
	color: #fffb02;
.obj21 { bottom: -420px; right: -710px; }
.obj22 { bottom:-100px; right: -50px; }

/* 세번째 콘텐츠 */
section article:nth-child(3) div  {
	bottom: 200px; right: -100px;
section article:nth-child(3) h3 {
	color: #b57db4;
.obj31 { bottom: 70px; right: 110px; }
.obj32 { bottom:-150px; left: 100px; }

/* 네번째 콘텐츠 */
section article:nth-child(4) div {
	bottom: 100px; right: -100px;
section article:nth-child(4) h3 {
.obj41 { bottom: -150px; left: 350px; }
.obj42 { top: -255px; right: 167px; }
.obj43 { bottom: -120px; left:-100px;}

/* 다섯번째 콘텐츠 */
section article:nth-child(5) div {
	bottom: 100px; right: -100px;
section article:nth-child(5) h3 {
	color: #3dbdfa;
.obj51 { bottom: -290px; left:-10px; }
.obj52 { top: 170px; right: 30px; }
.obj53 { bottom: 0; left: -30px; }